Road to the Spartan

I decided to give this a shot. I registered for the Spartan Race which is on March 16th in Saraland, AL. I decided that needed a goal to strive for instead of just going through the same old routine every day at the gym.

I’ve been running on the treadmill twice a week but I need to do more to get my body adjusted to running plus I need to start running on the road eventually. Running sucks, especially after not running for years and weighing 225 pounds. My feet are killing me and I’m wondering if I need to go get fitted for some better running shoes. On top of running I’m working out and following the Power Athlete programming. It’s a bitch to say the least.

I’m also trying to work on my diet although this past weekend was a major fail as far as that goes. I got sick last week and ended up calling out Friday and laid in bed all day and I guess because of that I justified eating anything and everything. Diet was successfully blown all weekend!

I probably need to start incorporating some body weight workouts into my routine. The Spartan Race website has some workouts to help prepare for it but I haven’t checked those out yet. I’m thinking about doing tire flips every night for more cardio. Maybe a run up and down the hill on my street alternated with so many tire flips.

I want to get shredded for this race. I want to look and performing like a bad ass. I just turned 45 so I want to show people what this is bastard can do.

One I get to a point where I’m feeling good about my progress with my body composition I might start including some progress photos with these posts.

This will be a journey for me and a chance to prove to myself that I am capable of anything I put my mind to. I need to stop making excuses. I need to stop letting a bad day totally disrupt my drive to succeed. I need to recognize a bad day for what it is, an obstacle to get over; everybody has them and it shouldn’t stop progress.

This is my journey to being indestructible.

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